Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
 Modules  Module 5: Evidence-Based Medical Practice

The EBM Process
Searching for the Evidence

There are many databases of medical literature citations.

  • Each of these databases has its own quirks and nuances.
  • The information and structure of these databases is constantly changing.
  • Although a physician can learn to search citation databases fairly well, medical librarians can do it much better than the average physician.
  • Just as physicians consult medical specialists, they should consider consulting medical librarians to help them find the best information when necessary.
  • Consulting the following citation databases in the order listed generally will yield good results and help you find the highest level of evidence in the most efficient manner:
      1. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
      2. The Cochrane Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE)
      3. PubMed "Find Systematic Reviews" query
      4. PubMed "Search by Clinical Study Category" query
      5. Other resources
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