Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
 Modules  Module 8: The Role of the Patient and Family
1. Introduction to Course
2. History of Patient Safety
3. The Science of Human Error
4. The Analysis of Medical Error
5. Evidence-Based Medical Practice
6. Communication and Information Transfer
7. Adverse Patient Outcomes
8. The Role of the Patient and Family
9. Environmental Safety in the Medical Setting
10. Safe Medical Practice In Ambulatory Settings

Case Continuation

You were busy as the admitting intern so you chose option A. The next day, one of your lab results comes back abnormal, suggesting Mr. Jackson has taken an overdose of one of his medications. You now explain the situation to his wife, who is distraught. She becomes quite angry that you are suggesting he tried to kill himself (or worse, that she gave him the overdose) although you did not say any of those things. She seemed like such a nice, quiet woman yesterday, but today she is yelling at you about calling her lawyer and asking to be transferred to another hospital.

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