Regulations also mandate that a hospital make reasonable efforts
to contact, within 24 hours of ED arrival, a patients agent,
surrogate, family member or other person the hospital believes has
the authority to make healthcare decisions on behalf of the patient
if the patient is unconscious or incapable of communication.
Transfers - UNMH Policy:
- Individuals with an emergency medical condition
which has not been stabilized may only be transferred on the basis
of either an informed request or certification by a physician
of the medical reasons for the transfer.
- The treating physician is responsible for evaluating,
ordering and arranging all transfers of patients from the Emergency/Labor
& Delivery Departments to other facilities (including physician
offices) for immediate care in occordance with the procedures
set forth in this policy.
A patient is considered stable for discharge when, within reasonable
clinical confidence, it is determined that the
patient has reached the point where his/her continued care,
including diagnostic work-up and/or treatment, could reasonably
be performed as an outpatient or later as an inpatient, provided
that the patient is given a plan for appropriate follow-up care
with the discharge instructions.