Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
 Modules  Module 7: Adverse Patient Outcomes
1. Introduction to Course
2. History of Patient Safety
3. The Science of Human Error
4. The Analysis of Medical Error
5. Evidence-Based Medical Practice
6. Communication and Information Transfer
7. Adverse Patient Outcomes
8. The Role of the Patient and Family
9. Environmental Safety in the Medical Setting
10. Safe Medical Practice In Ambulatory Settings

Technical Device Failure

  • Safe Medical Device Act
    • If a medical device suspected to have caused a serious patient injury or death, incident reportable by law within 10 days
    • Purpose – initiate corrective action, prevent or minimize occurrence of similar incidents
    • “Serious Injury” (FDA Guidelines)
      • Life-threatening
      • Permanent impairment of body function or structure, or prolongation of hospital stay
      • Significant, persistent or permanent change, impairment, damage or disruption in body function or structure, physical activities or quality of life
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