Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
 Modules  Module 1: Introduction to the Course
1. Introduction to Course
2. History of Patient Safety
3. The Science of Human Error
4. The Analysis of Medical Error
5. Evidence-Based Medical Practice
6. Communication and Information Transfer
7. Adverse Patient Outcomes
8. The Role of the Patient and Family
9. Environmental Safety in the Medical Setting
10. Safe Medical Practice In Ambulatory Settings

Purpose of this Curriculum

  • Provide resident and fellow education on patient safety and quality improvement – ACGME Core Competencies of “Systems-Based Practice” and “Practice-Based Learning and Improvement”
  • Introduce current concepts of patient safety related to
    • Human error
    • Systems contributions to adverse patient outcomes
    • The interaction of humans with systems/technology – “human factors analysis”
  • Present “patient safety” in the broader context of “clinical quality improvement” – without safety, there can be no quality, and vice versa
  • Describe how “patient safety” initiatives and “clinical quality improvement” are conducted at UNM HSC
  • Engage you in the process of patient safety and clinical quality improvement!
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